Pep and Nom

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download and compile the pep/nom interpreter

download file: download.pepnom.tar.gz

Prerequisites: a “c” compiler (I have tested with gcc and tcc the tiny c compiler )

The instructions below are very “unixy” but the system should compile and run on Windows as well. (I have tested it on Linux and MacOS but not Windows).

download the pepnom tar.gz file

( or just right click and download)

The download file is at sourceforge here or on this site ( download.pepnom.tar.gz ) The system is about 1 megabyte compressed, which included the interpreter, translation scripts, examples and a documentation booklet.

extract the compressed files where-ever you like
 tar -xvzf download.pepnom.tar.gz

change directory into the pepnom folder
 cd pepnom

compile the pep interpreter (requires some 'c' compiler)

try out the pep interpreter (convert arithmetic expression to 'lisp')
 ./pep -f eg/exp.tolisp.pss -i "3+4/(5.1*7)"

Put the executable in your PATH variable so that you can use it from anywhere.

There are also some bash functions in the file for compiling the code (and translating nom scripts into other languages) with various options.